ASTS accredited Transplant Surgery Fellowship Program
in liver, pancreas and kidney transplantation
Fellows Education Resources
Fellowship Directors
2018- now
John Fung MD PhD/ Piotr Witkowski MD PhD
2012-2018 2000- 2012
John Renz MD PhD J Michael Millis MD
John Fung MD PhD- Chief, Transplantation Institute
Rolf Barth MD- Associate Director, Transplantation Institute
Piotr Witkowski MD PhD- Director, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation Program
John LaMattina MD- Associate Professor
Diego di Sabato MD- Director, Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Angelica Perez-Guttierez MD- Director, Pediatric Kidney Transplantation Program
Arielle Cimeno MD- Assistant Professor
Ashley Suah MD- Assistant Professor
Surgical Procedures- Volume
2023 2022 2021 2020
Liver transplantation (total) 93 81 76 71
Living donor liver transplantation 10 14 9 4
Kidney transplantation (total) 178 152 174 116
Living donor kidney transplantation 31 34 29 27
Pancreas transplantation (SPK, PTA, PAK) 12 15 11 5
Islet allo-transplantation 23 15 10 4
Unique elements of the clinical tx programs
Liver Tx- utilization of the liver warm and cold perfusion
Pancreas Tx- SPK predominantly in T2DM, PTA in T1DM
Living donor nephrectomies
single port lap nephrectomy (Barth, LaMatina)
robotic nephrectomy (DISabato)
fully lap with Pfannensteil incision (Witkowski)
Desensitization protocols for kidney Tx
standard pre LDRTX- PLEX+ Thymo+ Rituxan+ IVIG
novel study- Carflizimib+ Belatacept
Hansa multicenter trial of IdeS
Islet Tx- islet Tx alone (ITA), islet afer kidney (IAK), islet after heart (IAH)
Fellow solo pancreas procurement for islet isolation
read more about our islet transplant program >
Current Transplant Surgery Fellows

Alex Gaffan MD

Piotr J Bachul MD
Alex completed his surgical training in Israel, where was practicing general surgery as an attending for several years. Now, he has joined our fellowship program to obtain additional training in abdominal organ transplantation. Welcome Alex!
Dr. Bachul accomplished his surgical training at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Subsequently, he has been a research fellow in the Islet Transplantation Laboratory at University of Chicago.
Upcoming Fellow

Joe Habboache MD
We are happy to annouce that Dr. Joe Habbouce has
matched and will join us our transplant fellowship program next year. Joe is an alumni of the Medical School at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Currently, he is finishing his surgical training at the Henry Ford Medical Center in Detroit, MI. We are thrilled to have Joe on board. Welcome Joe!
Previous Fellows

Yaser Al-Salmay MD

Kumar Jayant MD Phd
Dr. Al-Salmay has joined us after the completion of his general surgery residency in Northwell Health Hospital, Manhasset, NY. Currently, Dr. AL-Salmay is works as a transplant surgeon and Assistant Professor of Surgery at the University of Louisville Medical Center. Congratulations Yaser!
After completion of the fellowship Dr. Jayant joined general surgery residency program in Florida to become board certified surgeon in the US.

Angelica Perez
Gutierrez MD

Ragheed Saoud MD

Braden Juengle MD PhD
2019- 2021
Dr. Juengel has extended his training as a research fellow in islet transplantation at our Program

Angelica Perez
Gutierrez MD

Ragheed Saoud MD
Dr. Perez Gutierrez came to us as fully trained general surgeon from Mexico City and also after her 2 years of research fellowship in transplantation at University of Pittsburg. Once accomplished 2 year ASTS fellowship with us, she has stayed with us for 1 year fellowship in pancreatic islet transplantation.
Now, she joined our team as a faculty-an Assistant Professor of Surgery
Dr. Saoud came as a fully trained urologist from Lebanon.
He accomplished with us 1 year of training in kidney and pancreas transplantation and then pursed his fellowship in urologic oncology and robotic surgery with Dr. Shalhav at our Institution.
Currently, he is an urology attending at the Northwell Health Medical Center, Manhasset, NY.

Transplant Team after hours

2021 July, fellows after hours

2012- Dr. Olaitan graduating his fellowship and starting his transplant surgery practice in the Rush University in Chicago

Transplant Team after hours
Conferences and Workshops
American Transplant Congress, San Diego June 2023 (Dr. Bachul)
Winter ASTS Symposium, Miami, FL, January 2023. (Dr. Al-Salmay)
Annual ASTS Fellows Symposium, September 2022 Dr. Al-Salmay, Charleston SC
Winter ASTS Symposium, Miami, FL, August 2022. (Dr. Al-Salmay)
American Transplant Congress, Boston June 2022 (Dr. Al-Salmay)
Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy Workshop, August 2021, Houston TX (Dr. Al-Salmay, Dr. Jayant)
Virtual Tour: the legacy- now and then

UChicago surgeons, John Fung, Chief, 2017- now

UChicago hospital is at the main campus in Hyde Park, at the shore of Lake Michigan (public beach)

UChicago surgeons: Alexis Carrel- 1912, Nobel Prize, vascular anastomosis, kidney transplant, organ perfusion pump

UChicago surgeons, John Fung, Chief, 2017- now
Fellow's Publications
Jayant K, Cotter T, Reccia I, Virdis F, Podda M, Machairas N, Arasaradnam RP, DiSabato D, Lamattina J, Barth R, Witkowski P, Fung JJ. Comparing High MELD And Low MELD Living Donor Liver Transplantation to Determine Clinical Efficacy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (CHALICE Study). 2023 J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 5795. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12185795 (pdf)
Ogledzinski M, Bachul PJ, Rezania K, Hariprasad SM, Gondek S, Lin W, Juengel B, Milejczyk K, Basto L, WangLW, Perea L, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung JJ, Witkowski P. Peri-operative Reparixin therapy resulted in 50% 5-year insulin independence rate: The University of Chicago Experience. Clinical Transpl 2023 04 April 2023 https://doi.org/10.1111/ctr.14981
Witkowski P, Philipson LH, Buse JB, , Robertson RP, Alejandro R, Bellin M, Kandeel F, Baidal D, Gaglia J, Posselt AM, Anteby R, Bachul PJ, Al-Salmay Y, Jayant K, Perez-Gutierrez A, Barth R, Fung J, Camilo Ricordi. Islet Transplantation at a Crossroads - Need for Urgent Regulatory Update in the United States: Perspective Presented During the Scientific Sessions 2021 at the American Diabetes Association Congress" Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2022.
Cotter T G, Odenwald M, Perez-Gutierrez A, Jayant K, di Sabato D; Charlton M, Fung J. Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate solution is superior to University of Wisconsin solution in Donation after Circulatory Death Liver Transplantation. Liver Transplantation 2022.
Jayant K, Reccia I, Bachul PJ, Al-Salmay Y, Pyda JS, Podda M, Perez-Gutierrez A, Dor F, Becker Y, Sabato D, LaMattina J, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P. The impact of COVID-19 on kidney transplant recipients in pre-vaccination and delta strain era: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Med 2021..
Bachul PJ, Gołąb K, Pyda JS, Basto L, Borek P, Perea L, Tibudan M, Perez Gutierrez A, Fung J, Matthews JM, Witkowski P. Post-hoc Analysis of a Randomized, Double Blind, Prospective Study: More Standardizations in the Trial Protocol are Needed to Evaluate the Effect of a CXCR1/2 Blocker in Islet Allotransplantation. Cell Transplant 2021, Jan-Dec 2021;30:9636897211001774.
Jayant K, Reccia I, Virdis F, Pyda JS, Bachul PJ, Di Satabo D, Barth RN, Fung J, Baker T, Witkowski P. COVID-19 in hospitalized liver transplant recipients: An early systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Transplantation. 2021; 00:e14246. https://doi.org/10.1111/ctr.14246.
Bachul PJ, Gołąb K, Basto L, Borek P, Perea L, Tibudan M, Pyda JS, Perez-Gutierrez A, Fung J, Matthews JM, Witkowski P. Long-term stability of beta cell graft function after total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation. Pancreas, 2021 Jan 1;50(1):e2-e4. doi: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000001711.
Witkowski P, Philipson L, Kaufman DB, Ratner L, Abouljoud, Bellin M, Buse J, Kandeel F, Stock P, Mulligan D, , Markmann F, Kozlowski T, Andreoni K, Alejandro R, Baidal D, Hardy MA, Wickrema A, Mirmira RG, John Fung J, Becker YT, Josephson MA, Bachul PJ, Pyda JS, Charlton M, Millis JM, Gaglia J, Stratta RJ, Fridell JA, Niederhaus S, Forbes RC, Jayant K, Robertson RP, Odorico J, Levy M, Harland R, Abrams PL, Olaitan OK, Kandaswamy R, Wellen J, Japour AJ, Desai CS, Naziruddin B, Balamurugan AN, Barth RN, Ricordi C. The “Islets for US” Collaborative. The Demise of Islet Allotransplantation in the US: A Call for an Urgent Regulatory Update Urgent need for a regulatory update. Am J Transplant, 2020, Nov 29, doi:10.1111/ajt.16397.
Bachul PJ, Grybowski DJ, Anteby R, Basto L, Perea L, Gołąb K, Wang LJ, Tibudan M, Perez-Gutierrez A, Komorniczak M, Nagpal S, Lucander A, Fung J, Matthews JM, Witkowski P. Total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation in diabetic and prediabetic patients with intractable chronic pancreatitis. J Pancreatology, 2020, Jun;3(2):86-92. doi: 10.1097/jp9.0000000000000048.
Generette G, Bachul PJ, Golab K, Basto L, Pyda JS, Anteby R, Borek P, Tibudan M, Perea L, Charlton M, Perez-Guttierez A, Jayant K, Lucander A, Matthews JB, Millis JM, Fung J, En Bloc Liver and Pancreas Transplantation after Total Pancreatectomy with Autologous Islet Transplantation.2020 Nov 23, https://ejtcm.gumed.edu.pl/articles/77.
Ezzelarab MB, Perez-Gutierrez A, Humar A, Wijkstrom M, Zahorchak AF, Lu-Casto L, Wang YC, Wiseman RW, Minervini M, Thomson AW. Preliminary assessment of the feasibility of autologous myeloid-derived suppressor cell infusion in non-human primate kidney transplantation. Transpl Immunol. 2019. Oct; 56: 101225.
Perez-Gutierrez A, Metes DM, Lu L, Hariharan S, Thomson AW, Ezzelarab MB. Characterization of eomesodermin and T-bet expression by allostimulated CD8+ T cells of healthy volunteers and kidney transplant patients in relation to graft outcome. Clin Exp Immunol. 2018 Nov;194(2):259-272
Lee JC, Olaitan OK, Lopez-Soler R, Renz JF, Millis JM, Gottlieb LJ. Expanding the envelope: the posterior rectus sheath-liver vascular composite allotransplant. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Feb; 131(2): 209e-218e.
Ragab A, Lopez-Soler R, Oto A, Testa G. Correlation between 3D-MRCP and intra-operative findings in right liver donors. Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr. 2013 Feb;2(1):7-13.
Byam J, Renz J, Millis JM. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr. 2013 Feb;2(1):22-30.
Mao Y, Yang H, Xu H, Lu X, Sang X, Du S, Zhao H, Chen W, Xu Y, Chi T, Yang Z, Cai J, Li H, Chen J, Zhong S, Mohanti SR, Lopez-Soler R, Millis JM, Huang J, Zhang H. Golgi protein 73 (GOLPH2) is a valuable serum marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Gut. 2010 Dec; 59(12):1687-93.
Virtual Tour- video
Fellow's Awards
Jayant Kumar 2nd Prize in Transplant Quiz Competition annual AST Fellow Symposium 2022.
Jayant Kumar. Travel Award 62nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Gastroenterology, Oct 2022, Japan
Braden Juengle. Travel Award. American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions. 2022, New Orleans, LI
Fellow's Presentations
The Transplantation Society, Istanbul, September 2024
Juengel B, Bachul PJ, Kyeso Y, Perez-Guttierez A, Cimeno A, Suah A, Gaffan A, Krishnamoorthy S, Cunningham P, El Kassis E, Josephson M, Conception B, Fung JJ, Barth R, Witkowski P. Advantages of simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation in selected patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A single-center study.
American Diabetes Association, San Diego CA, 2023 June
Gondek S, Ogledzinski M, Lin W, Milejczyk K, Juengel B, Potter L, Bachul PJ, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LG, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung JJ, Witkowski P. Preemptive Insulin Supplementation For Islet Graft Protection, Optimal Blood Glucose Control And Fetal Development During The Pregnancy In Insulin Independent Patient After Islet Transplantation.
Ogledzinski M, Lin W, Gondek S, Milejczyk K, Juengel B, Potter L, Bachul PJ, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LG, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung JJ, Witkowski P. Islet Allotransplantation into Pre-vascularized Sernova Cell Pouch™ - Early Results from the University of Chicago.
Lin W, Ogledzinski M, Gondek S, Milejczyk K, Juengel B, Potter L, Bachul PJ, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LG, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung JJ, Witkowski P. Preservation of Islet Graft Function and Blood Glucose Control after Total Pancreatectomy with Islet Autotransplantation in patients with Chronic Pancreatitis and intractable pain- 9 year follow up.
ATC San Diego CA, 2023 June
Lin, William, Ogledzinski M, Gondek S, Milejczyk K, Juengel B, Bachul P, Al-Salmay Y, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LJ, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P. Islet After Kidney Transplantation Restores Insulin Independence In Patients With Type 1 Diabetes. ASTS Winter Symposium, 2023 Jan, Orlando, FL.
ASTS Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, 2023 Jan
Ogledzinski M, Juengel B, Gondek S, Milejczyk K, Sarver S, Bachul P, Al-Salmay Y, Perez- Guetierrez A, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LJ, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P. Successful pancreas after islet and islet after pancreas transplantation for patients with diabetes mellitus and problematic hypoglycemia.
Ogledzinski M, Juengel B, Gondek S, Milejczyk K, Sarver S, Bachul P, Al-Salmay Y, Sadek A, Perez- Guetierrez A, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LJ, Tibudan M, Sadek, A, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P. Islet After Kidney Transplantation Restores Insulin Independence In Patients With Type 1 Diabetes. ASTS Winter Symposium, 2023 Jan, Orlando, FL.
Japanese Digestive Disease Week, 2022
Jayant K, AlSalmay Y, Bachul P, Lamattina J, Barth R N, Fung John, di Sabato D, Witkowski P Comparing outcomes of living donor liver transplant in High MELD And Low MELD recipients. YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD.
The Transplantation Society Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2022 Sept
Bachul P, Ogledzinski M, Juengel B, Al-Salmay Y, Jayant K, Successful islet after pancreas and pancreas after islet transplantation for patients with diabetes mellitus and problematic hypoglycemia.
Bachul PJ. Ogledzinski M, A, Braden J, Yaser Al-Salmay, Jayant K, Modified approach for improved islet allotransplantation into pre-vascularized Sernova Cell PouchTM device - preliminary results of the phase I/II clinical trial at University of Chicago.
Jayant K, AlSalmay Y, Bachul P, Lamattina J, Barth R N, Witkowski P, di Sabato D, Fung J. Diaphragmatic Hernia following Living Donor Hepatectomy: A systematic review,.
Ogledzinski M, Bachul P, Juengel B, Al-Salmay Y. et al. Safety and Effectiveness Of Covid-19 Vaccination In The Islet Transplant Recipients.
Jayant K, AlSalmay Y, Bachul P, Lamattina J, Barth R N, Fung John, Witkowski P, di Sabato D Liver transplant in a Abernathy Syndrome.
ASTS Winter Symposium, Miami, FK, 2022 August
Bachul P, Perez- Guetierrez A, Al-Salmay Y, Juengel B, Jayant K, Basto L, Wang LJ, Perea L, Tibudan M, Thomas C, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P. Islet Allotransplantation Into Pre-Vascularized Sernova Cell PouchTM - Preliminary Results From The University of Chicago. (pdf)
Perez- Guetierrez A, Bachul P, Al-Salmay Y, Witkowski P., Barth R, Fung J, The β2 Microglobulin Trend Is A Marker Of Delayed Graft Function After Kidney Transplantation. (pdf)
American Transplant Congress, Boston MA, 2022 June
Al-Salmay Y, Bachul PJ, Juengel B, Jayant K, Perez- Guetierrez A, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P. Abdominal Incision Technique Tailored To Patient's Age May Reduce The Rate Of Surgical Wound Complication After Unilateral Kidney Transplantation- A Preliminary Report.
Perez- Guetierrez A, Juengel B, Krishnamoorthy S, Bachul PJ, Witkowski P, Barth R, Fung JJ. Bacterial Infections After Kidney Transplant Before And After The COVID-19 Pandemic
American Diabetes Association, New Orleans, LI, 2022 June
Juengel B, Bachul P, Al-Salmay Y, Jayant K, Perez Gutierrez A, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LJ, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P, A, Effectiveness Of Covid-19 Vaccination In The Islet Transplant Recipients. YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD.
Bachul P, Perez- Guetierrez A, Al-Salmay Y, Juengel B, Jayant K, Basto L, Wang LJ, Perea L, Tibudan M, Thomas C, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P. Islet Allotransplantation Into Pre-Vascularized Sernova Cell PouchTM - Preliminary Results From The University of Chicago.
International Hepatico-Pacreatico- Billiary Association, New York, NY, 2022 March
Jayant K, AlSalmay Y, Bachul P, Lamattina J, Barth R N, Fung John, di Sabato D, Witkowski P Comparing High MELD And Low MELD living donor liver transplantation to determine Clinical Efficacy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Huggins Symposium, 2022 Feb
Bachul PJ, Al-Salmay Y, Jayant K, Perez Gutierrez A, Juengel B, Barth R, Fung JJ, Witkowski P. Successful Transplantation of the Kidney Graft with 5 Arteries and Intimal Dissection Injury - 10 year follow up.
Juengel B, Bachul PJ, Perez-Guttierez A, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LJ, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung JJ, Witkowski P. Response to COVID-19 and Covid-19 Vaccination In Islet Transplant Recipients.
Bachul PJ, Perez-Guttierez A, Juengel B, Jayant K, Al-Salmay Y, Basto L, Perea L, Wang LJ, Tibudan M, Barth R, Fung JJ, Witkowski P. Favorable long-term outcomes after islet transplantation in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus at the University of Chicago.
American Transplant Congress, 2021
Jayant K. The Impact of Covid-19 in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (oral)
.Jayant K. Analyzing the Impact of Covid-19 in the Hospitalized Cohort of Liver Transplant Recipients: An Early Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis..
Bachul PJ, Borek PE, Gabriela S.Generette, Perez-Guetierrez A, Jayant K, Golab K, Basto L, Perea L, Tibudan M, Thomas C, Philipson L, Fung J, Witkowski P. Islet Allotransplantation into the Pre-Vascularized Sernova Cell PouchTM Device - Preliminary Results of the Phase I/II Prospective, Open-Label, Single-Arm Study at University of Chicago (oral).
Perez-Gutierrez A, Bachul PJ, Juengel B, Witkowski P, DiSabato D, Barth RN, Fung J, Becker YT, The Role Of The B2 Microglobulin Trend In Patients With Delayed Graft Function After Kidney Transplant.
Perez-Gutierrez A, Bachul PJ, D. N. Danz, B. Juengel, M. Josephson2, J. Fung2, P. Witkowski2, B. Chung4, Y. Becker2, The Seattle Heart Failure Model Is A Predictor Of Mortality After Kidney Transplant In Patients With End Stage Renal Disease And Heart Impairment.
ASTS Winter Symposium, 2021
Bachul PJ, Borek PE, G Gabriella, Perez-Guetierrez A, Golab K, Basto L, Perea L, Lorencia, Tibudan M, Thomas C, Philipson L, Fung J, Witkowski P. Islet Allotransplantation Into Pre-Vascularized Sernova Cell PouchTM - Preliminary Results From The University of Chicago.
Generette G, Bachul PJ, Perez-Guetierrez A, Joungel B, Borek PE, Becker YT, Barth R, Fung J, Witkowski P. Anterior Rectus Sheath Versus Gibson Incision For Kidney Transplantation -Preliminary Experience.
Perez Gutierrez A, Baker T, Becker YT, Witkowski P, Fung J. A, Simultaneous Heart/Liver/Kidney Transplant : The Challenge Is In The Choreography. Read full article
American Transplant Congress, 2019
Perez Gutierrez A, Donor Reactive Eomesderminhi CD8+ T Cells Are Significantly Upregulated Early after Transplant in Kidney Transplant Patients without Rejection.
American Urology Association, 2019
Logan Galansky, Joshua Aizen, Ciro Andolfi, Ragheed Saoud, Osmanuddin Ahmed, Arieh Shalhav. The effect of selective angioembolization on renal function for iatrogenic vascular lesions after partial nephrectomy: a matched case-control study.
Previous Transplant Fellows
Omar Hussain MD
Jerome Byam MD,
Staff Surgeon,
United Medical Center, Washington DC
2011- 2013
Qi Li MD
Private Practive
New Heaven, Il
2010- 2012
Oyedolamu K Olaitan MD
Associate Professor,
Section of Transplantation
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
2009- 2011
Raynold Lopez-Soler MD PhD
Associate Professor
Layola Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Bejon T Maneckshama MD
Assistant Professor,
Section of Transplantation
Hartford Hospital Medical Center, CT
Inbo Shim, M.D.
Staff Surgeon,
VA Hospital, NC
Tiffany L Anthony MD
Associate Professor
Baylor Medical Center, Dallas, TX
John Milner, M.D.,
Assistant Professor,
Loyola University, Chicago, IL
Julian Losanoff, M.D.
Professor and Chairman of Surgery,
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
Sanjay Kulkarni, M.D.,
Associate Professor of Surgery, Yale University School of Med. New Haven, CT.,
Director of Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation
Randolph Schaffer, M.D.,
Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, CA
Charles Winans, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Surgery,
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Somchai Limsrichamrern, M.D.,
Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Christoper Siegel, M.D.,
Director, Adult Kidney-Pancreas and Pediatric Liver Transplant Programs,
University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH
Joseph Buell, M.D.,
Assistant Professor of Surgery,
Director, Israel Penn International Transplant Tumor Registry, University of Cincinnati, OH
Atsushi Yoshida, M.D.,
Senior Staff Surgeon, Div. of Transplant Surgery, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
Hani P. Grewal, M.D.,
Associate Professor,
Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL
George E. Loss, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor, Chief, Section of Transplantation,
Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LA
David C. Cronin, M.D.,
Associate Professor,
Director of Liver Transplantation
Medical College of Wisconsin
Magaral Rajesekar, M.D.,
Director, Liver Transplant Program,
New Delhi, India
David S. Seaman, M.D,
Private Practice in Virginia
Steve Woodle MD
University of Cincinatti, OH
Daniel Cherqui, M.D.
Director, Liver Transplant Program
Hopital Henri Mandor Paris, France
Tom Heffron MD
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Dale Rouch, M.D.
Director, Liver Transplant Program
Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
James Mayers, M.D.
Case Western University, Cleveland, OH
Jean Emond MD
Columbia University, New York, NY
Prior to 1987:
Osama Gaber MD
Houston Methodist, TX
Larry Stevens MD
Intermountain health, Salt Lake City, UT
Jim Schulak MD
Beverly Ketel MD